Cour­ses of­fe­red

The following courses can be studied within different programmes (mainly Elektrotechnik, Electrical Systems Engineering, Technomathematik, Wing-ET) - please have a look into the module handbooks and PAUL which courses you can attend. All course material is available on PAUL to registered students.


Name Lecturer Ba Ma


Erdal Kayacan  

Einführung in Algorithmen zur Bewegungsplanung

Adrian Redder  
Advanced Control Erdal Kayacan  
Topics in Advanced Control Automatic Control Group  
Automatic Control I (Project) Erdal Kayacan  
Automatic Control II (Project) Erdal Kayacan  
Automatic Control (Project) Erdal Kayacan  


Name Lecturer Ba Ma
Regelungstechnik Erdal Kayacan  
Advanced System Theory Erdal Kayacan  
Automatic Control I (Project) Erdal Kayacan  
Automatic Control II (Project) Erdal Kayacan  
Automatic Control (Project) Erdal Kayacan  
Data Driven Control Methods (Pro-/Forschungsseminar) Adrian Redder