TET Stu­dent Pro­jects WS 2019/2020

The TET group offers several projects:

  • For all projects you should have solid knowledge of Electrodynamics as taught in the "Fields and Waves" course. Also, it will help if you are interested in theoretical modelling and numerical simulations, as e.g. taught in our "Modeling and Simulation" course.
  • If you want to do a project you first have to register in PAUL. The course names are independent actual project topic:
    • As ET student: L.048.98021 or L.048.28035 for one-semester project, L.048.28509 for a two-semester project
    • As ESE student: L.048.98021 or L.048.98035 for one-semester project, L.048.98509 for a two-semester project
    • As OE&Ph student: L.128.35100 (one-semester projects only)
  • Also, you need to  write an e-mail to Mrs. Nina Prante:
    • Include your name, student id and 1-3 preferred projects from the list below.
    • Projects are done in groups of 2-3 students. If you want to work with someone specific, please let us know.
    • If your would be able to do the project in German, please let us know.
  • The number of project groups is limited. You will be noticed if and which project you can do.
  • For projects based on CST Microwave Studio it is compulsory to attend a one day workshop where the basics are presented. Participants will receive a certificate.
  • There will be no prior meeting on the projects. Please contact the persons listed in the project list or Prof. Dr. Jens Förstner for more information.

Im­port­ant dates

  • Register for course in PAUL: for deadlines see PAUL
  • Mail to Ms Prante with project choices: 16.10.2019, 12:00

List of offered projects

Project A1: Modeling the optical response of metal bow-tie nanoantennas
Group size: 2-3                                
Language: English
Prerequisites: -
Duration: one or two semesters
Details:  PDF
Supervisor: Dr. Viktor Myroshnychenko
Project A2: Erstellen eines realitätsnahen Simulationsmodells eines eingebetteten Systems in CST Studio Suite auf Basis von Nahfeldmessungen
Group size:                       2-3
Language: English or German
Prerequisites: knowledge of CST Microwave Studio
Details: PDF
Supervisor: Dominik Schröder
Project A3: Entwicklung von neuen Nahfeldsonden und -verfahren für die EMV-Untersuchungen von 5G-und Radaranwendungen
Group size:  2-3       
Language:  English or German
Prerequisites: knowledge of CST Microwave Studio 
Details: PDF
Supervisor: Dominik Schröder
Project A4: Analyse der UWB-Technolgie (Ultra-wideband) und deren Anwendung für die Indoor-Ortung / Analysis of UWB technology (ultra-wideband) and its application for indoor positioning
Group size:  2-3       
Language:  English or German
Prerequisites: knowledge of CST Microwave Studio
Details: PDF (German) PDF (English)
Supervisor:  Sven Lange
Project A5: Entwicklung von Ortungsspulen für eine induktive Ortung bei 13.56MHz / Development of locating coils for inductive locating at 13.56 MHz
Group size: 2-3
Language: English or German
Prerequisites: knowledge of CST Microwave Suite
Details: PDF (German) PDF (English)
Supervisor:  Sven Lange
Project A6: Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur drahtlosen Energieübertragung im Fernfeld durch Verwendung von Beamforming / Development of a method for wireless energy transmission in the far field using beamforming
Group size: 2-3
Language: English or German
Prerequisites: kowledge of CST Microwave Suite
Details: PDF (German) PDF (English)
Supervisor:  Sven Lange


 Please contact Prof. Dr. Jens Förstner for more information.

Con­tact for re­gis­tra­tion

TET courses & projects

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Course Portfolio

SoSe 2025: Courses, Projects

WS 2024/2025: Courses, Projects

SoSe 2024: Courses, Projects

WS 2023/2024: Courses, projects

SoSe 2023: Courses, projects

WS 2022/2023: Courses, projects

SoSe 2022: Courses, projects

WS 2021/2022: Courses, projects

SoSe 2021: Courses, projects

WS 2020/2021: Courses, projects

SoSe 2020: Courses, projects

WS 2019/2020: Courses, projects