TET Stu­dent Pro­jects SoSe 2022

The TET group offers several projects under the course numbers L.048.98021, L.048.98022, L.048.98035. 

  • You should have deep knowledge of Electrodynamics as taught in the "Fields and Waves" and "Modeling and Simulation" courses. Also, it will help if you are interested in theoretical modelling and numerical simulations.
  • If you want to do a project you have to register in Paul (any of the courses). Also, you need to write an e-mail to Mrs. Nina Prante until th 12th of April :
    • Include your name, student id and 1-3 preferred projects from the list below.
    • Projects are done in groups of 2-3 students. If you want to work with someone specific, please let us know.
    • If you would be able to do the project in German, please let us know.
  • The number of project groups is limited. You will be noticed if and which project you can do.
  • For projects based on CST Microwave Studio, it is compulsory to attend the one day webinar on 26th of April 2022, from 10:00 a.m. until 04:00 p.m., in room N5.206, where the basics are presented. Please apply for this course until the 12th of April at the lastest by e-mail to Nina Prante, prante@tet.upb.de.
  • There will be no prior meeting on the projects. Please contact the persons listed in the project list or Dr.-Ing. Denis Sievers for more information.

List of offered projects

Project 1: Modes of complex planar multilayer slab waveguides: COMSOL-simulations
Group size: 1-3
Language: English or German
Duration: 1 semester
Details: PDF
Supervisor: Henna Farheen and Dr. Manfred Hammer
Project 2: Integriert-optische Resonatoren in 2.5-D
Group size: 1-3
Language: English or German
Duration: 1 semester
Details: PDF
Supervisor: Henna Farheen and Dr. Manfred Hammer
Project 3: Numerical Simulation of a quantum dot photodiode
Group size: 2-3
Language: English or German
Duration: 1-2 semesters
Details: PDF
Supervisor: Dustin Siebert                                 
Project 4: Untersuchung des Einflusses von Nahfeldsonden auf die Nahfelder und das Testobjekt in Frequenzbereichen bis 6 GHz
Group size: 1-2
Language: English or German
Duration: 1-2 semesters
Details: PDF
Supervisor: Dominik Schröder                             
Project 5: Induktive Ortung
Group size: 1-2
Language: English or German
Duration: 1-2 semesters
Details: PDF
Supervisor: Sven Lange                                  
Project 6: Bewertung der Eigenschaften von Nahfeldsonden mit einer neuartigen Methode basierend auf Huygens-Box Daten mittels CST
Group size: 1-2
Language: English or German
Duration: 1-2 semesters
Details: PDF
Supervisor: Dominik Schröder                            
Project 7: ProgressivKI
Group size: 1-2
Language: English or German
Duration: 1-2 semesters
Details: PDF
Supervisor: Sven Lange                                 
Project 8: Studentische Arbeiten im Bereich Nahfeld-Scanner (simulative, messtechnische, mathematische Themen möglich)
Group size: 1-2
Duration: 1-2 semesters
Language: English or German
Details: PDF
Supervisor: Dominik Schröder                        
Project 9: Einfluss der Scannerarchitektur auf die Messung in verschiedenen Frequenzbereichen bis 80 GHz (ISM-Bänder, 5G, Radar)
Group size: 1-2
Duration: 1-2 semesters
Language: English or German
Details: PDF
Supervisor: Dominik Schröder                        

Con­tact for re­gis­tra­tion

TET courses & projects

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

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SoSe 2022: Courses, projects

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SoSe 2020: Courses, projects

WS 2019/2020: Courses, projects