Course port­fo­lio

The Theoretical Electrical Engineering (TET) group offers several courses with a focus on the theoretical foundation of electrical engineering and numerical simulation. Advanced courses give an insight into electromagnetic field simulation as well as photonic systems.

The courses can be studied within different programmes (mainly Elektrotechnik, Electrical Systems Engineering, Technomathematik, Wing-ET and starting winter semester 2017 also Optoelectronics&Photonics) - please have a look into the module handbooks and PAUL which courses you can attend.


Bachelor courses (all German)
Name Language Form when
Feldtheorie de 2V+2Ü every SoSe
Elektromagnetische Wellen de 2V+2Ü every WS
Numerische Verfahren für Ingenieure de 2V+2Ü irregularly
Bachelor Thesis Project de   every semester
Master courses
Name Language Form when, who
Theoretische Elektrotechnik de 2V+2Ü every WS
Ausgewählte Kapitel der theoretischen Elektrotechnik de 2V+2Ü irregularly
Modeling and Simulation en 2V+2Ü every WS
Fields and Waves en 2V+2Ü every SoSe
Elektromagnetische Feldsimulation en/de 2V+2Ü irregularly
Numerical Simulations with the Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain Method en 2V+2Ü usually SoSe
Optical Waveguide Theory en/de 2V+2Ü  usually SoSe
Feldberechnung mit der Randelementmethode de 2V+2Ü irregularly
Topics in Systems Engineering en S every WS
Student projects en+de   every semester
Master thesis project en+de   every semester 
Research Seminar en+de   every semester

(SoSe=summer semester, WS=winter semester)

Please note that these are just the courses offered by the Theoretical Electrical Engineering (TET) group . You will find an overview of all courses and general information on the study page of the institut of Electrical Enginnering and Information Technology and in the course management system PAUL.

Written exams are offered twice a year, oral exams on demand all year. You will find all information about the conditions and the dates in the course management system PAUL (and on most course detail pages).