Re­sea­rch to­pics

Our main research interest is the theoretical description of photonic and optoelectronic systems like optical nanoantennas, photonic crystals, metamaterials, plasmonic systems, but recently also biological photonic structures. Our speciality are microscopic -and often nonlinear- material models, e.g. for semiconductors, metals, or dielectrics.

Take a tour! Start with Dielectric Waveguides.

Dielectric waveguides

Based on the coupled mode theory and on other analytical and semi-analytical methods we model the propagation of electromagnetic waves in dielectric integrated optical circuits. ..more..


Arrays of metallic nanoparticles are used to enhance the nonlinear and chiral properties of the material. This leads to second harmonic light emission or dichroism. ..more..

Plasmonic particles

We calculate and compare EEL (electron energy loss) spectroscopy and CL (cathodoluminescence) spectra of plasmonic nanoparticles.  ..more..

Programming of HPC…

We co-operate with the group of Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl and the PC2 to develop tools for efficient use of parallel hardware as FPGAs and GP-GPUs for scientific computing. ..more..

Optical Antennas

We design antennas on the nano- and micro-scale that allow steering the light either to desired directions or to drastically enhance fields locally. ..more..

Numerical Methods

We use and extend the Time Domain Discontinuous Galerkin method to perform the challenging multi-scale simulations  in many of our projects. ..more..

Scattering at Dust and ice…

We simulate the scattering of electromagnetic fields at dust and ice particles as found in industrial environments but even more in interplanetary space.  ..more..

Semiconductor Theory

We describe the nonlinear optical dynamics in tailored quantum dots. ..more..

Photonic crystals and…

We model the resonant interference in photonic crystals and other photonic resonators as optical microdisks to control the flow of light and to capture it. ..more..