This is the list of all peer-reviewed conference proceedings, journal articles, and book contributions of the TET group and pre-TET publications by Jens Förstner.
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Evaluation of Measurement Noise Effects in the Close Environment of Equivalent Near-Field Sources
D. Schröder, U. Kiefner, C. Hedayat, J. Förstner, in: 2024 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe, IEEE, 2024.
Guided modes of thin-film lithium niobate slabs
M. Hammer, H. Farheen, J. Förstner, Optics Continuum (2024) 532822.
An efficient compact blazed grating antenna for optical phased arrays
H. Farheen, S. Joshi, J.C. Scheytt, V. Myroshnychenko, J. Förstner, Journal of Physics: Photonics 6 (2024) 045010.
Symmetry-protected TM modes in rib-like, plus-shaped optical waveguides with shallow etching
N. Üstün, H. Farheen, M. Hammer, J. Förstner, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 41 (2024) 2077.
From Swiss-cheese to discrete ferroelectric composites: assessing the ferroelectric butterfly shape in polarization loops
V. Myroshnychenko, P.M. Mulavarickal Jose, H. Farheen, S. Ejaz, C. Brosseau, J. Förstner, Physica Scripta 99 (2024) 045952.
Estimation of losses caused by sidewall roughness in thin-film lithium niobate rib and strip waveguides
M. Hammer, S. Babel, H. Farheen, L. Padberg, J.C. Scheytt, C. Silberhorn, J. Förstner, Optics Express 32 (2024) 22878.
Tailoring the directive nature of optical waveguide antennas
H. Farheen, L.-Y. Yan, T. Leuteritz, S. Qiao, F. Spreyer, C. Schlickriede, V. Quiring, C. Eigner, C. Silberhorn, T. Zentgraf, S. Linden, V. Myroshnychenko, J. Förstner, in: S.M. García-Blanco, P. Cheben (Eds.), Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXVII, SPIE, 2023, p. 124241E.
Characterization of Various Environmental Influences on the Inductive Localization
S. Lange, U. Hilleringmann, C. Hedayat, H. Kuhn, J. Förstner, in: 2023 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications (CAMA), IEEE, Genoa, Italy , 2023.
Increasing the upward radiation efficiency of optical phased arrays using asymmetric silicon horn antennas
H. Farheen, S. Joshi, J.C. Scheytt, V. Myroshnychenko, J. Förstner, in: 2023 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), IEEE, 2023.
Optimized silicon antennas for optical phased arrays
H. Farheen, A. Strauch, J.C. Scheytt, V. Myroshnychenko, J. Förstner, in: S.M. García-Blanco, P. Cheben (Eds.), Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXVII, SPIE, 2023, p. 124241D.
How to suppress radiative losses in high-contrast integrated Bragg gratings
M. Hammer, H. Farheen, J. Förstner, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40 (2023) 862.
Optimized, Highly Efficient Silicon Antennas for Optical Phased Arrays
H. Farheen, A. Strauch, J.C. Scheytt, V. Myroshnychenko, J. Förstner, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 58 (2023) 101207.
On‐Demand Indistinguishable and Entangled Photons Using Tailored Cavity Designs
D. Bauch, D. Siebert, K. Jöns, J. Förstner, S. Schumacher, Advanced Quantum Technologies (2023).
On-demand indistinguishable and entangled photons at telecom frequencies using tailored cavity designs
D. Bauch, D. Siebert, K. Jöns, J. Förstner, S. Schumacher, (2023).
Efficient Modeling and Tailoring of Nonlinear Wavefronts in Dielectric Metasurfaces
D. Hähnel, J. Förstner, V. Myroshnychenko, ACS Photonics (2023).
A multi-mode super-fano mechanism for enhanced third harmonic generation in silicon metasurfaces
D. Hähnel, C. Golla, M. Albert, T. Zentgraf, V. Myroshnychenko, J. Förstner, C. Meier, Light: Science & Applications 12 (2023) 97.
Numerical study of light backscattering from layers of absorbing irregular particles larger than the wavelength
S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, Y. Grynko, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 302 (2023).
Far-field Calculation from magnetic Huygens Box Data using the Boundary Element Method
C. Marschalt, D. Schroder, S. Lange, U. Hilleringmann, C. Hedayat, H. Kuhn, D. Sievers, J. Förstner, in: 2022 Smart Systems Integration (SSI), IEEE, Grenoble, France, 2022.
Optimization of optical waveguide antennas for directive emission of light
H. Farheen, T. Leuteritz, S. Linden, V. Myroshnychenko, J. Förstner, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 39 (2022) 83.
Numerical analysis of the coherent mechanism producing negative polarization at backscattering from systems of absorbing particles
S. Alhaddad, Y. Grynko, H. Farheen, J. Förstner, Optics Letters 47 (2022) 58.
Broadband optical Ta2O5 antennas for directional emission of light
H. Farheen, L.-Y. Yan, V. Quiring, C. Eigner, T. Zentgraf, S. Linden, J. Förstner, V. Myroshnychenko, Optics Express 30 (2022) 19288.
Small-scale online simulations in guided-wave photonics
M. Hammer, in: S.M. García-Blanco, P. Cheben (Eds.), Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXVI, SPIE, 2022, p. 1200414.
Flexible source of correlated photons based on LNOI rib waveguides
L. Ebers, A. Ferreri, M. Hammer, M. Albert, C. Meier, J. Förstner, P.R. Sharapova, Journal of Physics: Photonics 4 (2022) 025001.
Light Scattering by Large Densely Packed Clusters of Particles
Y. Grynko, Y. Shkuratov, S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, in: A. Kokhanovsky (Ed.), Springer Series in Light Scattering - Volume 8: Light Polarization and Multiple Scattering in Turbid Media, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022.
Asymmetric, non-uniform 3-dB directional coupler with 300-nm bandwidth and a small footprint
H. Nikbakht, M.T. Khoshmehr, B. van Someren, D. Teichrib, M. Hammer, J. Förstner, B.I. Akca, Optics Letters 48 (2022) 207.
Light backscattering from numerical analog of planetary regoliths
Y. Grynko, Y. Shkuratov, S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, in: Copernicus GmbH, 2022.
Negative polarization of light at backscattering from a numerical analog of planetary regoliths
Y. Grynko, Y. Shkuratov, S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, Icarus 384 (2022) 115099.
Semi-guided waves in integrated optical waveguide structures
L. Ebers, Semi-Guided Waves in Integrated Optical Waveguide Structures, 2022.
Resonant evanescent excitation of OAM modes in a high-contrast circular step-index fiber
M. Hammer, L. Ebers, J. Förstner, in: D.L. Andrews, E.J. Galvez, H. Rubinsztein-Dunlop (Eds.), Complex Light and Optical Forces XVI, SPIE, 2022, p. 120170F.
Dielectric travelling wave antennas for directional light emission
T. Leuteritz, H. Farheen, S. Qiao, F. Spreyer, C. Schlickriede, T. Zentgraf, V. Myroshnychenko, J. Förstner, S. Linden, Optics Express 29 (2021).
The HighPerMeshes framework for numerical algorithms on unstructured grids
S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, S. Groth, D. Grünewald, Y. Grynko, F. Hannig, T. Kenter, F. Pfreundt, C. Plessl, M. Schotte, T. Steinke, J. Teich, M. Weiser, F. Wende, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (2021) e6616.
HighPerMeshes – A Domain-Specific Language for Numerical Algorithms on Unstructured Grids
S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, S. Groth, D. Grünewald, Y. Grynko, F. Hannig, T. Kenter, F.-J. Pfreundt, C. Plessl, M. Schotte, T. Steinke, J. Teich, M. Weiser, F. Wende, in: Euro-Par 2020: Parallel Processing Workshops, Cham, 2021.
Ultrafast electric control of cavity mediated single-photon and photon-pair generation with semiconductor quantum dots
D. Bauch, D.F. Heinze, J. Förstner, K. Jöns, S. Schumacher, Physical Review B 104 (2021) 085308.
Optoelectronic sampling of ultrafast electric transients with single quantum dots
A. Widhalm, S. Krehs, D. Siebert, N.L. Sharma, T. Langer, B. Jonas, D. Reuter, A. Thiede, J. Förstner, A. Zrenner, Applied Physics Letters 119 (2021) 181109.
Configurable lossless broadband beam splitters for semi-guided waves in integrated silicon photonics
M. Hammer, L. Ebers, J. Förstner, OSA Continuum 4 (2021) 3081.
Integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors on titanium in-diffused lithium niobate waveguides
J.P. Höpker, V.B. Verma, M. Protte, R. Ricken, V. Quiring, C. Eigner, L. Ebers, M. Hammer, J. Förstner, C. Silberhorn, R.P. Mirin, S. Woo Nam, T. Bartley, Journal of Physics: Photonics 3 (2021) 034022.
Resonant evanescent excitation of guided waves with high-order optical angular momentum
M. Hammer, L. Ebers, J. Förstner, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 38 (2021) 1717.
Ultrafast electric control of a single QD exciton
J. Förstner, A. Widhalm, A. Mukherjee, S. Krehs, B. Jonas, K. Spychala, J. Förstner, A. Thiede, D. Reuter, A. Zrenner, in: 11th International Conference on Quantum Dots, Munich/Germany, 2020.
Electrically controlled rapid adiabatic passage in a single quantum dot
A. Mukherjee, A. Widhalm, D. Siebert, S. Krehs, N. Sharma, A. Thiede, D. Reuter, J. Förstner, A. Zrenner, Applied Physics Letters 116 (2020) 251103.
Towards Semiconductor-Superconductor-Crystal Hybrid Integration for Quantum Photonics
M. Protte, L. Ebers, M. Hammer, J.P. Höpker, M. Albert, V. Quiring, C. Meier, J. Förstner, C. Silberhorn, T. Bartley, in: OSA Quantum 2.0 Conference, 2020.
Light diffraction in slab waveguide lenses simulated with the stepwise angular spectrum method
L. Ebers, M. Hammer, J. Förstner, Optics Express 28 (2020) 36361.
Nonlinear dielectric properties of random paraelectric-dielectric composites
V. Myroshnychenko, S. Smirnov, P.M.M. Jose, C. Brosseau, J. Förstner, Acta Materialia 203 (2020) 116432.
Hybrid coupled mode modelling of the evanescent excitation of a dielectric tube by semi-guided waves at oblique angles
M. Hammer, L. Ebers, J. Förstner, Optical and Quantum Electronics 52 (2020).
Light backscattering from large clusters of densely packed irregular particles
Y. Grynko, Y. Shkuratov, J. Förstner, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 255 (2020) 107234.
Method of superposing a multiple driven magnetic field to minimize stray fields around the receiver for inductive wireless power transmission
S. Lange, M.-J. Büker, D. Sievers, C. Hedayat, J. Förstner, U. Hilleringmann, T. Otto, in: Smart Systems Integration; 13th International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, VDE VERLAG GMBH, Berlin · Offenbach, 2019, pp. 1–4.
Oblique evanescent excitation of a dielectric strip: A model resonator with an open optical cavity of unlimited Q
M. Hammer, L. Ebers, J. Förstner, Optics Express 27 (2019) 8.
Optical transition between two optical waveguides layer and method for transmitting light
M. Hammer, J. Förstner, L. Ebers, (2019).
Light scattering by 3-Foci convex and concave particles in the geometrical optics approximation
D. Stankevich, L. Hradyska, Y. Shkuratov, Y. Grynko, G. Videen, J. Förstner, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 231 (2019) 49.
Coupled microstrip-cavities under oblique incidence of semi-guided waves: a lossless integrated optical add-drop filter
L. Ebers, M. Hammer, M.B. Berkemeier, A. Menzel, J. Förstner, OSA Continuum 2 (2019) 3288.
Oblique quasi-lossless excitation of a thin silicon slab waveguide: a guided-wave variant of an anti-reflection coating
M. Hammer, L. Ebers, J. Förstner, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 36 (2019) 2395.
OpenCL-based FPGA Design to Accelerate the Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Unstructured Meshes
T. Kenter, G. Mahale, S. Alhaddad, Y. Grynko, C. Schmitt, A. Afzal, F. Hannig, J. Förstner, C. Plessl, in: Proc. Int. Symp. on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), IEEE, 2018.
Ultrafast electric phase control of a single exciton qubit
A. Widhalm, A. Mukherjee, S. Krehs, N. Sharma, P. Kölling, A. Thiede, D. Reuter, J. Förstner, A. Zrenner, Applied Physics Letters 112 (2018) 111105.
Simulation leitungsgeführter Störspannungen von DC-DC-Wandlern
T. Baumgarten, P. Scholz, D. Sievers, J. Förstner, in: H. Garbe (Ed.), Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit - Internationale Fachmesse Und Kongress 2018, 2018, p. 47.
Polarization Conversion Effect in Biological and Synthetic Photonic Diamond Structures
X. Wu, F.L. Rodríguez-Gallegos, M.-C. Heep, B. Schwind, G. Li, H.-O. Fabritius, G. von Freymann, J. Förstner, Advanced Optical Materials 6 (2018) 1800635.
Application of the Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain Method in Nonlinear Nanoplasmonics
Y. Grynko, J. Förstner, in: 2018 IEEE 17th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET), IEEE, 2018.
Oblique Semi-Guided Waves: 2-D Integrated Photonics with Negative Effective Permittivity
M. Hammer, L. Ebers, A. Hildebrandt, S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, in: 2018 IEEE 17th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET), IEEE, 2018.
Intensity surge and negative polarization of light from compact irregular particles
Y. Grynko, Y. Shkuratov, J. Förstner, Optics Letters 43 (2018) 3562.
Unveiling and Imaging Degenerate States in Plasmonic Nanoparticles with Nanometer Resolution
V. Myroshnychenko, N. Nishio, F.J. García de Abajo, J. Förstner, N. Yamamoto, ACS Nano 12 (2018) 8436–8446.
Oblique incidence of semi-guided planar waves on slab waveguide steps: effects of rounded edges
L. Ebers, M. Hammer, J. Förstner, Optics Express 26 (2018) 18621–18632.
Solving Maxwell's Equations with Modern C++ and SYCL: A Case Study
A. Afzal, C. Schmitt, S. Alhaddad, Y. Grynko, J. Teich, J. Förstner, F. Hannig, in: Proceedings of the 29th Annual IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP), 2018, pp. 49–56.
Tailored UV Emission by Nonlinear IR Excitation from ZnO Photonic Crystal Nanocavities
S.P. Hoffmann, M. Albert, N. Weber, D. Sievers, J. Förstner, T. Zentgraf, C. Meier, ACS Photonics 5 (2018) 1933–1942.
Flexible FPGA design for FDTD using OpenCL
T. Kenter, J. Förstner, C. Plessl, in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), IEEE, 2017.
Directional Emission from Dielectric Leaky-Wave Nanoantennas
M. Peter, A. Hildebrandt, C. Schlickriede, K. Gharib, T. Zentgraf, J. Förstner, S. Linden, Nano Letters 17 (2017) 4178–4183.
Simulation of Second Harmonic Generation from Photonic Nanostructures Using the Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain Method
Y. Grynko, J. Förstner, in: A. Agrawal (Ed.), Recent Trends in Computational Photonics, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017, pp. 261–284.
Direction-tunable enhanced emission from a subwavelength metallic double-nanoslit structure
X. Song, N. Wang, M. Yan, C. Lin, J. Förstner, W. Yang, Optics Express 25 (2017) 13207–13214.
Spiral modes supported by circular dielectric tubes and tube segments
L. Ebers, M. Hammer, J. Förstner, Optical and Quantum Electronics 49 (2017) 49:176.
Hybrid coupled-mode modeling in 3D: perturbed and coupled channels, and waveguide crossings
M. Hammer, S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 34 (2017) 613–624.
Guided Wave Interaction in Photonic Integrated Circuits — A Hybrid Analytical/Numerical Approach to Coupled Mode Theory
M. Hammer, in: A. Agrawal (Ed.), Recent Trends in Computational Photonics, 204th ed., Springer, 2017, pp. 77–105.
Radar backscattering from a large-grain cometary coma: numerical simulation
S. Dogra, Y. Grynko, E. Zubko, J. Förstner, Astronomy & Astrophysics 608 (2017) A20.
Simulations of high harmonic generation from plasmonic nanoparticles in the terahertz region
Y. Grynko, T. Zentgraf, T. Meier, J. Förstner, Applied Physics B 122 (2016) 242.
Fabrication and characterization of two-dimensional cubic AlN photonic crystal membranes containing zincblende GaN quantum dots
S. Blumenthal, M. Bürger, A. Hildebrandt, J. Förstner, N. Weber, C. Meier, D. Reuter, D.J. As, Physica Status Solidi (c) 13 (2016) 292–296.
Wave interaction in photonic integrated circuits: Hybrid analytical / numerical coupled mode modeling
M. Hammer, in: J.-E. Broquin, G. Nunzi Conti (Eds.), Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XX, SPIE, 2016, pp. 975018-975018–8.
Discrete plasmonic solitons in graphene-coated nanowire arrays
Y. Kou, J. Förstner, Optics Express 24 (2016) 4714.
The role of electromagnetic interactions in second harmonic generation from plasmonic metamaterials
J. Alberti, H. Linnenbank, S. Linden, Y. Grynko, J. Förstner, Applied Physics B 122 (2016) 45–50.
Light scattering by ice crystals of cirrus clouds: comparison of the physical optics methods
A.V. Konoshonkin, N.V. Kustova, A.G. Borovoi, Y. Grynko, J. Förstner, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 182 (2016) 12–23.
Phase sensitive properties and coherent manipulation of a photonic crystal microcavity
W. Quiring, B. Jonas, J. Förstner, A.K. Rai, D. Reuter, A.D. Wieck, A. Zrenner, Optics Express 24 (2016) 20672–20684.
Light scattering by irregular particles much larger than the wavelength with wavelength-scale surface roughness
Y. Grynko, Y. Shkuratov, J. Förstner, Optics Letters 41 (2016) 3491–3493.
Comparison between the physical-optics approximation and exact methods solving the problem of light scattering by ice crystals of cirrus clouds
A.V. Konoshonkin, N.V. Kustova, A.G. Borovoi, H. Okamoto, K. Sato, H. Ishimoto, Y. Grynko, J. Förstner, in: G.G. Matvienko, O.A. Romanovskii (Eds.), 22nd International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, SPIE, 2016.
Light scattering by ice crystals of cirrus clouds: From exact numerical methods to physical-optics approximation
A. Konoshonkin, A. Borovoi, N. Kustova, H. Okamoto, H. Ishimoto, Y. Grynko, J. Förstner, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 195 (2016) 132–140.
Oblique incidence of semi-guided waves on step-like folds in planar dielectric slabs: Lossless vertical interconnects in 3D integrated photonic circuits
A. Hildebrandt, S. Alhaddad, M. Hammer, J. Förstner, in: J.-E. Broquin, G. Nunzi Conti (Eds.), Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XX, SPIE, 2016.
Second harmonic generation spectroscopy on hybrid plasmonic/dielectric nanoantennas
H. Linnenbank, Y. Grynko, J. Förstner, S. Linden, Light: Science & Applications 5 (2016) e16013.
Coupling Mediated Coherent Control of Localized Surface Plasmon Polaritons
F. Zeuner, M. Muldarisnur, A. Hildebrandt, J. Förstner, T. Zentgraf, Nano Letters 15 (2015) 4189–4193.
A process for the preparation of a population inversion in a quantum system using multi-pulse excitation
A. Zrenner, J. Förstner, D. Mantei, (2015).
Interference of surface plasmons and Smith-Purcell emission probed by angle-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
N. Yamamoto, F. Javier García de Abajo, V. Myroshnychenko, Physical Review B 91 (2015).
Robust Population Inversion by Polarization Selective Pulsed Excitation
D. Mantei, J. Förstner, S. Gordon, Y.A. Leier, A.K. Rai, D. Reuter, A.D. Wieck, A. Zrenner, Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 10313.
Subwavelength binary plasmonic solitons
Y. Kou, J. Förstner, Optics Letters 40 (2015) 851–854.
How planar optical waves can be made to climb dielectric steps
M. Hammer, A. Hildebrandt, J. Förstner, Optics Letters 40 (2015) 3711–3714.
Unveiling Nanometer Scale Extinction and Scattering Phenomena through Combined Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and Cathodoluminescence Measurements
A. Losquin, L.F. Zagonel, V. Myroshnychenko, B. Rodríguez-González, M. Tencé, L. Scarabelli, J. Förstner, L.M. Liz-Marzán, F.J. García de Abajo, O. Stéphan, M. Kociak, Nano Letters 15 (2015) 1229–1237.
Planar prism spectrometer based on adiabatically connected waveguiding slabs
F. Civitci, M. Hammer, H.J.W.M. Hoekstra, Optics Communications 365 (2015) 29–37.
Full Resonant Transmission of Semiguided Planar Waves Through Slab Waveguide Steps at Oblique Incidence
M. Hammer, A. Hildebrandt, J. Förstner, Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (2015) 997–1005.
Accelerating Finite Difference Time Domain Simulations with Reconfigurable Dataflow Computers
H. Giefers, C. Plessl, J. Förstner, ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 41 (2014) 65–70.
Engineering plasmonic and dielectric directional nanoantennas
A. Hildebrandt, M. Reichelt, T. Meier, J. Förstner, in: M. Betz, A.Y. Elezzabi, J.-J. Song, K.-T. Tsen (Eds.), Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XVIII, SPIE, 2014, pp. 89841G-8941G–6.
Light Scattering By Random Irregular Particles With Different Morphology
Y. Grynko, E. Zubko, in: 2014.
Simulation of Planar Photonic Resonators
S. Declair, J. Förstner, in: A.H.W. Choi (Ed.), Handbook of Optical Microcavities, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., 2014.
General relation for group delay and the relevance of group delay for refractometric sensing
H.J.W.M. Hoekstra, M. Hammer, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 31 (2014).
Oblique incidence of semi-guided waves on rectangular slab waveguide discontinuities: A vectorial QUEP solver
M. Hammer, Optics Communications 338 (2014) 447–456.
Optimal second-harmonic generation in split-ring resonator arrays
Y. Grynko, T. Meier, S. Linden, F.B.P. Niesler, M. Wegener, J. Förstner, in: M. Betz, A.Y. Elezzabi, J.-J. Song, K.-T. Tsen (Eds.), Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XVII, SPIE, 2013, pp. 86230L-86230L–9.
Collective effects in second-harmonic generation from split-ring-resonator arrays
F.B. Niesler, S. Linden, J. Förstner, Y. Grynko, T. Meier, M. Wegener, in: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2012, OSA, 2013.
Whispering gallery modes in zinc-blende AlN microdisks containing non-polar GaN quantum dots
M. Bürger, M. Ruth, S. Declair, J. Förstner, C. Meier, D.J. As, Applied Physics Letters 102 (2013) 081105.
Cubic GaN quantum dots embedded in zinc-blende AlN microdisks
M. Bürger, R.M. Kemper, C.A. Bader, M. Ruth, S. Declair, C. Meier, J. Förstner, D.J. As, Journal of Crystal Growth 378 (2013) 287–290.
Light scattering by randomly irregular dielectric particles larger than the wavelength
Y. Grynko, Y. Shkuratov, J. Förstner, Optical Letters 38 (2013) 5153–5156.
Convey Vector Personalities – FPGA Acceleration with an OpenMP-like Effort?
B. Meyer, J. Schumacher, C. Plessl, J. Förstner, in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), IEEE, 2012, pp. 189–196.
Engineering high harmonic generation in semiconductors via pulse shaping
M. Reichelt, A. Hildebrandt, A. Walther, J. Förstner, T. Meier, in: Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XVI, SPIE, 2012.
Collective Effects in Second-Harmonic Generation from Split-Ring-Resonator Arrays
S. Linden, F.B.P. Niesler, J. Förstner, Y. Grynko, T. Meier, M. Wegener, Physical Review Letters 109 (2012).
Near-field coupling and second-harmonic generation in split-ring resonator arrays
Y. Grynko, T. Meier, S. Linden, F.B.P. Niesler, M. Wegener, J. Förstner, in: AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012, pp. 128–130.
Photonic crystal waveguides intersection for resonant quantum dot optical spectroscopy detection
X. Song, S. Declair, T. Meier, A. Zrenner, J. Förstner, Optics Express 20 (2012) 14130–14136.
Optimization of the intensity enhancement in plasmonic nanoantennas
A. Hildebrandt, M. Reichelt, T. Meier, J. Förstner, in: AIP AIP Conference Proceedings 1475, 2012.
Cavity-assisted emission of polarization-entangled photons from biexcitons in quantum dots with fine-structure splitting
S. Schumacher, J. Förstner, A. Zrenner, M. Florian, C. Gies, P. Gartner, F. Jahnke, Optics Express 20 (2012) 5335–5342.
Transformation of scientific algorithms to parallel computing code: subdomain support in a MPI-multi-GPU backend
B. Meyer, C. Plessl, J. Förstner, in: Symp. on Application Accelerators in High Performance Computing (SAAHPC), IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 60–63.
Application of the Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain Method to the Optics of Bi-Chiral Plasmonic Crystals
Y. Grynko, J. Förstner, T. Meier, A. Radke, T. Gissibl, P.V. Braun, H. Giessen, 1398 (2011) 76–78.
Theoretical approach to the ultrafast nonlinear optical response of metal slabs
M. Wand, A. Schindlmayr, T. Meier, J. Förstner, in: CLEO:2011 - Laser Applications to Photonic Applications , Optical Society of America, 2011.
Intensity dependence of optically-induced injection currents in semiconductor quantum wells
M. Pochwala, H.T. Duc, J. Förstner, T. Meier, in: CLEO:2011 - Laser Applications to Photonic Applications, Optical Society of America, 2011.
Simulation of Mutual Coupling of Photonic Crystal Cavity Modes and Semiconductor Quantum Dots
S. Declair, X. Song, T. Meier, J. Förstner, in: THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP 2011, AIP, 2011, pp. 123–125.
Electron g-factor anisotropy in symmetric (110)-oriented GaAs quantum wells
J. Hübner, S. Kunz, S. Oertel, D. Schuh, M. Pochwała, H.T. Duc, J. Förstner, T. Meier, M. Oestreich, Physical Review B 84 (2011) 041301(R).
Injection currents in (110)-oriented GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells: recent progress in theory and experiment
H.T. Duc, M. Pochwala, J. Förstner, T. Meier, S. Priyadarshi, A.M. Racu, K. Pierz, U. Siegner, M. Bieler, in: K.-T. Tsen, J.-J. Song, M. Betz, A.Y. Elezzabi (Eds.), Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XV, SPIE, 2011.
Simulation of the ultrafast nonlinear optical response of metal slabs
M. Wand, A. Schindlmayr, T. Meier, J. Förstner, Physica Status Solidi B 248 (2011) 887–891.
Intensity-dependent ultrafast dynamics of injection currents in unbiased GaAs quantum wells
M. Pochwała, H.T. Duc, J. Förstner, T. Meier, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters 5 (2011) 119–121.
Numerical investigation of the coupling between microdisk modes and quantum dots
S. Declair, T. Meier, J. Förstner, Physica Status Solidi (c) 8 (2011) 1254–1257.
Oscillatory excitation energy dependence of injection currents in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells
H. Thanh Duc, J. Förstner, T. Meier, S. Priyadarshi, A.M. Racu, K. Pierz, U. Siegner, M. Bieler, Physica Status Solidi (c) 8 (2011) 1137–1140.
Application of the discontinous Galerkin time domain method to the optics of metallic nanostructures
Y. Grynko, J. Förstner, T. Meier, AAPP | Atti Della Accademia Peloritana Dei Pericolanti 89 (2011).
Numerical analysis of coupled photonic crystal cavities
S. Declair, T. Meier, A. Zrenner, J. Förstner, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 9 (2011) 345–350.
Method for transmission of information about polarization state of photons to stationary system
J. Förstner, D. Mantei, S.M. de Vasconcellos, A. Zrenner, (2011).
Phonon-assisted decoherence and tunneling in quantum dot molecules
A. Grodecka-Grad, J. Förstner, Physica Status Solidi (C) 8 (2011) 1125–1128.
Microscopic analysis of charge and spin photocurrents injected by circularly polarized one-color laser pulses in GaAs quantum wells
H.T. Duc, J. Förstner, T. Meier, Physical Review B 82 (2010).
Microscopic theoretical analysis of optically generated injection currents in semiconductor quantum wells
H.T. Duc, J. Förstner, T. Meier, in: J.-J. Song, K.-T. Tsen, M. Betz, A.Y. Elezzabi (Eds.), Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XIV, SPIE, 2010, pp. 76000S-76000S–9.
Tuning quantum-dot based photonic devices with liquid crystals
K.A. Piegdon, S. Declair, J. Förstner, T. Meier, H. Matthias, M. Urbanski, H.-S. Kitzerow, D. Reuter, A.D. Wieck, A. Lorke, C. Meier, Optics Express 18 (2010).
Enhanced FDTD edge correction for nonlinear effects calculation
C. Classen, J. Förstner, T. Meier, R. Schuhmann, in: 2010 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, IEEE, 2010.
Reversal of Coherently Controlled Ultrafast Photocurrents by Band Mixing in Undoped GaAs Quantum Wells
S. Priyadarshi, A.M. Racu, K. Pierz, U. Siegner, M. Bieler, H.T. Duc, J. Förstner, T. Meier, Physical Review Letters 104 (2010).
Self-assembled quantum dots in a liquid-crystal-tunable microdisk resonator
K.A. Piegdon, M. Offer, A. Lorke, M. Urbanski, A. Hoischen, H.-S. Kitzerow, S. Declair, J. Förstner, T. Meier, D. Reuter, A.D. Wieck, C. Meier, Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 42 (2010) 2552–2555.
Modeling excitonic line shapes in weakly disordered semiconductor nanostructures
I. Kuznetsova, N. Gőgh, J. Förstner, T. Meier, S.T. Cundiff, I. Varga, P. Thomas, Physical Review B 81 (2010).
Anticrossing of Whispering Gallery Modes in microdisk resonators embedded in an anisotropic environment
S. Declair, C. Meier, T. Meier, J. Förstner, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 8 (2010) 273–277.
Theory of phonon-mediated relaxation in doped quantum dot molecules
A. Grodecka-Grad, J. Förstner, Physical Review B 81 (2010).
Phonon-mediated relaxation in doped quantum dot molecules
A. Grodecka-Grad, J. Förstner, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 245 (2010).
Generation of injection currents in (110)-oriented GaAs quantum wells: experimental observation and development of a microscopic theory
M. Bieler, K. Pierz, U. Siegner, P. Dawson, H.T. Duc, J. Förstner, T. Meier, in: K.-T. Tsen, J.-J. Song, M. Betz, A.Y. Elezzabi (Eds.), Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XIII, SPIE, 2009, pp. 721404-721404–13.
Anticrossing of Whispering Gallery Modes in Microdisk Resonators Embedded in a Liquid Crystal
J. Förstner, S. Declair, C. Meier, T. Meier, in: Theoretical and Computational Nanophotonics Tacona-Photonics, 2009, pp. 60–62.
Coupling Dynamics of Quantum Dots in a Liquid-Crystal-Tunable Microdisk Resonator
J. Förstner, C. Meier, K. Piegdon, S. Declair, A. Hoischen, M. Urbanski, T. Meier, H.-S. Kitzerow, in: Advances in Optical Sciences Congress, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper NTuC2, 2009.
Indirect spin dephasing via charge-state decoherence in optical control schemes in quantum dots
A. Grodecka, P. Machnikowski, J. Förstner, Physical Review A 79 (2009).
Indirect Dephasing Channel for Optically Controlled Spin in a Single Quantum Dot
A. Grodecka, P. Machnikowski, J. Förstner, in: Advances in Optical Sciences Congress, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2009), 2009.
Theoretical study of phononassisted singlet-singlet relaxation in two-electron semiconductor quantum dot molecules
A. Grodecka, P. Machnikowski, J. Förstner, Physica Status Solidi (C) 6 (2008) 474–478.
Transition between different coherent light–matter interaction regimes analyzed by phase-resolved pulse propagation
T.H. zu Siederdissen, N.C. Nielsen, J. Kuhl, M. Schaarschmidt, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, G. Khitrova, H.M. Gibbs, S.W. Koch, H. Giessen, Optics Letters 30 (2008).
Phonon-assisted tunneling between singlet states in two-electron quantum dot molecules
A. Grodecka, P. Machnikowski, J. Förstner, Physical Review B 78 (2008).
Line narrowing and hole burning within the homogeneous linewidth: a new wave-mixing effect in two-level systems
J. Förstner, A. Knorr, M. Lindberg, S.W. Koch, Optics Letters 27 (2007).
Optical Experiments on Second-Harmonic Generation with Metamaterials Composed of Split-Ring Resonators
M.W. Klein, C. Enkrich, M. Wegener, J. Förstner, J.V. Moloney, W. Hoyer, T. Stroucken, T. Meier, S.W. Koch, S. Linden, in: Photonic Metamaterials: From Random to Periodic, OSA, 2006.
Theory of ultrafast nonlinear optics of Coulomb-coupled semiconductor quantum dots: Rabi oscillations and pump-probe spectra
J. Danckwerts, K.J. Ahn, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, Physical Review B 73 (2006) 165318-165318–18.
Optical experiments on second-harmonic generation from metamaterials consisting of split-ring resonators
M.W. Klein, C. Enkrich, M. Wegener, J. Förstner, J.V. Moloney, W. Hoyer, T. Stroucken, T. Meier, S.W. Koch, S. Linden, in: 2006 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, IEEE, 2006.
Interplay of electron-phonon and Coulomb interaction in semiconductor quantum dots
J. Förstner, A. Knorr, J.V. Moloney, Physica Status Solidi (C) 3 (2006) 2389–2392.
Temporal and Spatial Pulse Compression in a Nonlinear Defocusing Material
N.C. Nielsen, T. zu Höner Siederdissen, J. Kuhl, M. Schaarschmidt, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, S.W. Koch, H. Giessen, in: Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 19–21.
Resonance fluorescence of semiconductor quantum dots: Signatures of the electron-phonon interaction
K.J. Ahn, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, Physical Review B 71 (2005).
Femtosecond Transfer Dynamics of Photogenerated Electrons at a Surface Resonance of Reconstructed InP(100)
L. Töben, L. Gundlach, R. Ernstorfer, R. Eichberger, T. Hannappel, F. Willig, A. Zeiser, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, P.H. Hahn, W.G. Schmidt, Physical Review Letters 94 (2005).
Phase Evolution of Solitonlike Optical Pulses during Excitonic Rabi Flopping in a Semiconductor
N.C. Nielsen, T.H. zu Siederdissen, J. Kuhl, M. Schaarschmidt, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, H. Giessen, Physical Review Letters 94 (2005).
Kinetic theory of the electron transport in the two photon photo emission at semiconductor surfaces
N. Bucking, A. Zeiser, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, in: 2005 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, IEEE, 2005, pp. 1929–1931.
Ultrafast quantum kinetics of semiconductor intersubband transitions: polaron signatures and dephasing dynamics
S. Butscher, J. Förstner, I. Waldmuller, A. Knorr, in: 2005 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, IEEE, 2005, pp. 640–642.
Quantum information processing using Coulomb-coupled quantum dots
J. Danckwerts, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, in: AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP, 2005.
Electromagnetic field structure and normal mode coupling in photonic crystal nanocavities
C. Dineen, J. Förstner, A.R. Zakharian, J.V. Moloney, S.W. Koch, Optics Express 13 (2005).
Microscopic theory of electron dynamics and time-resolved two-color two-photon photoemission at semiconductor surfaces
A. Zeiser, N. Bücking, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, Physical Review B 71 (2005).
Normal Mode Coupling in Photonic Crystal Nanocavities
J. Förstner, C. Dineen, A.R. Zakharian, J.V. Moloney, S.W. Koch, in: Frontiers in Optics, OSA, 2005.
Ultrafast electron-phonon interaction of intersubband transitions: Quantum kinetics from adiabatic following to Rabi-oscillations
S. Butscher, J. Förstner, I. Waldmüller, A. Knorr, Physical Review B 72 (2005) 045314-045314–4.
Dynamics of the phonon-induced electron transfer between semiconductor bulk and surface states
A. Zeiser, N. Bücking, J. Götte, J. Förstner, P. Hahn, W.G. Schmidt, A. Knorr, Physica Status Solidi (b) 241 (2004) R60–R62.
Optical dephasing of coherent intersubband transitions in a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas
I. Waldmüller, J. Förstner, S.-C. Lee, A. Knorr, M. Woerner, K. Reimann, R.A. Kaindl, T. Elsaesser, R. Hey, K.H. Ploog, Physical Review B 69 (2004).
Light Propagation and Many-Particle Effects in Semiconductor Nanostructures
J. Förstner, Light Propagation and Many-Particle Effects in Semiconductor Nanostructures, 2004.
Linear and nonlinear pulse propagation in a multiple-quantum-well photonic crystal
N.C. Nielsen, J. Kuhl, M. Schaarschmidt, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, S.W. Koch, G. Khitrova, H.M. Gibbs, H. Giessen, Physical Review B 70 (2004).
Subpicosecond spatiotemporal pulse compression in a nonlinear defocusing material
N.C. Nielsen, T.H. zu Siederdissen, J. Kuhl, M. Schaarschmidt, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, S.W. Koch, H. Giessen, in: International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2004, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2004), 2004.
Temporal phase evolution during excitonic Rabi flopping in semiconductors
T. Höner zu Siederdissen, N.C. Nielsen, J. Kuhl, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, H. Giessen, in: International Quantum Electronics Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, OSA, 2004.
Temporal and spatial compression of near-resonant pulses in a nonlinear defocusing semiconductor
N.C. Nielsen, J. Kuhl, M. Schaarschmidt, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, S.W. Koch, H. Giessen, in: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2004), 2004.
Nonlinear light pulse propagation in Bragg-periodic multiple semiconductor quantum well samples: ultrafast switching of a resonant photonic band gap
M. Schaarschmidt, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, J.P. Prineas, N.C. Nielsen, J. Kuhl, G. Kithrova, H.M. Gibbs, H. Giessen, S.W. Koch, in: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, OSA, 2004.
Self-consistent Projection Operator Theory of Intersubband Absorbance in Semiconductor Quantum Wells
I. Waldmüller, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, in: K. Morawetz (Ed.), Nonequilibrium Physics at Short Time Scales, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004.
Polaron signatures in the line shape of semiconductor ;intersubband transitions: quantum kinetics of the electron–phonon interaction
S. Butscher, J. Förstner, I. Waldmüller, A. Knorr, Physica Status Solidi (B) 241 (2004) R49–R51.
Adiabatically driven electron dynamics in a resonant photonic band gap: Optical switching of a Bragg periodic semiconductor
M. Schaarschmidt, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, J.P. Prineas, N.C. Nielsen, J. Kuhl, G. Khitrova, H.M. Gibbs, H. Giessen, S.W. Koch, Physical Review B 70 (2004).
Phonon-Assisted Damping of Rabi Oscillations in Semiconductor Quantum Dots
J. Förstner, C. Weber, J. Danckwerts, A. Knorr, Physical Review Letters 91 (2003) 127401.
Self-induced transparency in InGaAs quantum dot waveguides
S. Schneider, P. Borri, W. Langbein, U. Woggon, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, R.L. Sellin, D. Ouyang, D. Bimberg, Physica Status Solidi (C) 0 (2003) 1548–1551.
Phonon-induced damping of Rabi oscillations in semiconductor quantum dots
J. Förstner, C. Weber, J. Danckwerts, A. Knorr, Physica Status Solidi (B) 238 (2003) 419–422.
Damping of electron density Rabi-oscillations and self-induced-transparency in semiconductor quantum dots
J. Förstner, C. Weber, J. Danckwerts, A. Knorr, in: Postconference Digest Quantum Electronics and Laser Science, 2003. QELS., IEEE, 2003.
Correlated influence of carrier-carrier/carrier-phonon interaction and radiative damping on semiconductor intersubband transitions
I. Waldmuller, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, M. Woerner, K. Reimann, R.A. Kaindl, R. Hey, K.H. Ploog, in: Postconference Digest Quantum Electronics and Laser Science, 2003. QELS., IEEE, 2003.
Self-induced transparency in InGaAs quantum-dot waveguides
S. Schneider, P. Borri, W. Langbein, U. Woggon, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, R.L. Sellin, D. Ouyang, D. Bimberg, Applied Physics Letters 83 (2003) 3668–3670.
Pulse propagation in Bragg-resonant multiple quantum wells: from pulse breakup to compression
N.C. Nielsen, J. Kuhl, M. Schaarschmidt, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, S.W. Koch, H.M. Gibbs, G. Khitrova, H. Giessen, Physica Status Solidi (C) 0 (2003) 1484–1487.
Theory of the lineshape of quantum well intersubband transitions: optical dephasing and light propagation effects
I. Waldmüller, M. Woerner, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, Physica Status Solidi (B) 238 (2003) 474–477.
Nonlinear Polariton Pulse Propagation in Bulk Semiconductors
J. Förstner, A. Knorr, S. Kuckenburg, T. Meier, S.W. Koch, H. Giessen, S. Linden, J. Kuhl, Physica Status Solidi (b) 221 (2002) 453–457.
Theory of ultrafast dynamics and lineshape of semiconductor quantum well intersubband emitters
I. Waldmüller, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, in: Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals and Applications, OSA, 2002.
Coherent nonlinear pulse propagation on a free-exciton resonance in a semiconductor
N.C. Nielsen, S. Linden, J. Kuhl, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, S.W. Koch, H. Giessen, Physical Review B 64 (2002) 245202-245202–10.
Nonlinear Pulse Propagation in Semiconductors: Hole Burning within a Homogeneous Line
J. Förstner, A. Knorr, S.W. Koch, Physical Review Letters 86 (2002) 476–479.
Light Propagation- and Many-particle-induced Non-Lorentzian Lineshapes in Semiconductor Nanooptics
J. Förstner, K.J. Ahn, J. Danckwerts, M. Schaarschmidt, I. Waldmüller, C. Weber, A. Knorr, Physica Status Solidi (B) 234 (2002) 155–165.
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