
TET group se­mi­nar Thurs­day, Ja­nu­a­ry 26, 2017 at 11:00 in se­mi­nar room P1.5.01.4: Pro­ject pre­sen­ta­ti­on - "Si­li­con-Wave­gui­de-Ba­sed Mo­de Evo­lu­ti­on Po­la­ri­za­ti­on Ro­ta­tor using CST Mi­cro­wa­ve Stu­dio"

This Thursday, January 26, will be a project presentation in the TET group seminar:

Presenter: Onkar Gadewar, Abhi Pravinbhai Kantaria, Sahil Richard Lopes
Title: Silicon-Waveguide-Based Mode Evolution Polarization Rotator using CST Microwave Studio
Language: English
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Room: P1.5.01.4

We welcome everyone to join the talk.

Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Jens Förstner