Scat­ter­ing at dust and ice particles

We simulate the scattering of electromagnetic fields at dust and ice particles as found in industrial environments but even more in interplanetary space.

Re­lated pub­lic­a­tions by the TET group

Numerical study of light backscattering from layers of absorbing irregular particles larger than the wavelength

S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, Y. Grynko, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 302 (2023).

Light Scattering by Large Densely Packed Clusters of Particles

Y. Grynko, Y. Shkuratov, S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, in: A. Kokhanovsky (Ed.), Springer Series in Light Scattering - Volume 8: Light Polarization and Multiple Scattering in Turbid Media, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022.

Light backscattering from numerical analog of planetary regoliths

Y. Grynko, Y. Shkuratov, S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, in: Copernicus GmbH, 2022.

Negative polarization of light at backscattering from a numerical analog of planetary regoliths

Y. Grynko, Y. Shkuratov, S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, Icarus 384 (2022) 115099.

Light backscattering from large clusters of densely packed irregular particles

Y. Grynko, Y. Shkuratov, J. Förstner, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 255 (2020) 107234.

Light scattering by 3-Foci convex and concave particles in the geometrical optics approximation

D. Stankevich, L. Hradyska, Y. Shkuratov, Y. Grynko, G. Videen, J. Förstner, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 231 (2019) 49.

Intensity surge and negative polarization of light from compact irregular particles

Y. Grynko, Y. Shkuratov, J. Förstner, Optics Letters 43 (2018) 3562.

Radar backscattering from a large-grain cometary coma: numerical simulation

S. Dogra, Y. Grynko, E. Zubko, J. Förstner, Astronomy & Astrophysics 608 (2017) A20.

Light scattering by ice crystals of cirrus clouds: comparison of the physical optics methods

A.V. Konoshonkin, N.V. Kustova, A.G. Borovoi, Y. Grynko, J. Förstner, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 182 (2016) 12–23.

Comparison between the physical-optics approximation and exact methods solving the problem of light scattering by ice crystals of cirrus clouds

A.V. Konoshonkin, N.V. Kustova, A.G. Borovoi, H. Okamoto, K. Sato, H. Ishimoto, Y. Grynko, J. Förstner, in: G.G. Matvienko, O.A. Romanovskii (Eds.), 22nd International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, SPIE, 2016.

Light scattering by ice crystals of cirrus clouds: From exact numerical methods to physical-optics approximation

A. Konoshonkin, A. Borovoi, N. Kustova, H. Okamoto, H. Ishimoto, Y. Grynko, J. Förstner, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 195 (2016) 132–140.

Light scattering by randomly irregular dielectric particles larger than the wavelength

Y. Grynko, Y. Shkuratov, J. Förstner, Optical Letters 38 (2013) 5153–5156.

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