Dielec­tric Wave­guides

Based on the coupled mode theory and on other analytical and semi-analytical methods we model the propagation of electromagnetic waves in dielectric integrated optical circuits.

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Re­lated pub­lic­a­tions by the TET group

Guided modes of thin-film lithium niobate slabs

M. Hammer, H. Farheen, J. Förstner, Optics Continuum (2024) 532822.

Symmetry-protected TM modes in rib-like, plus-shaped optical waveguides with shallow etching

N. Üstün, H. Farheen, M. Hammer, J. Förstner, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 41 (2024) 2077.

Estimation of losses caused by sidewall roughness in thin-film lithium niobate rib and strip waveguides

M. Hammer, S. Babel, H. Farheen, L. Padberg, J.C. Scheytt, C. Silberhorn, J. Förstner, Optics Express 32 (2024) 22878.

How to suppress radiative losses in high-contrast integrated Bragg gratings

M. Hammer, H. Farheen, J. Förstner, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40 (2023) 862.

Small-scale online simulations in guided-wave photonics

M. Hammer, in: S.M. García-Blanco, P. Cheben (Eds.), Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXVI, SPIE, 2022, p. 1200414.

Flexible source of correlated photons based on LNOI rib waveguides

L. Ebers, A. Ferreri, M. Hammer, M. Albert, C. Meier, J. Förstner, P.R. Sharapova, Journal of Physics: Photonics 4 (2022) 025001.

Asymmetric, non-uniform 3-dB directional coupler with 300-nm bandwidth and a small footprint

H. Nikbakht, M.T. Khoshmehr, B. van Someren, D. Teichrib, M. Hammer, J. Förstner, B.I. Akca, Optics Letters 48 (2022) 207.

Semi-guided waves in integrated optical waveguide structures

L. Ebers, Semi-Guided Waves in Integrated Optical Waveguide Structures, 2022.

Resonant evanescent excitation of OAM modes in a high-contrast circular step-index fiber

M. Hammer, L. Ebers, J. Förstner, in: D.L. Andrews, E.J. Galvez, H. Rubinsztein-Dunlop (Eds.), Complex Light and Optical Forces XVI, SPIE, 2022, p. 120170F.

Resonant evanescent excitation of guided waves with high-order optical angular momentum

M. Hammer, L. Ebers, J. Förstner, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 38 (2021) 1717.

Towards Semiconductor-Superconductor-Crystal Hybrid Integration for Quantum Photonics

M. Protte, L. Ebers, M. Hammer, J.P. Höpker, M. Albert, V. Quiring, C. Meier, J. Förstner, C. Silberhorn, T. Bartley, in: OSA Quantum 2.0 Conference, 2020.

Coupled microstrip-cavities under oblique incidence of semi-guided waves: a lossless integrated optical add-drop filter

L. Ebers, M. Hammer, M.B. Berkemeier, A. Menzel, J. Förstner, OSA Continuum 2 (2019) 3288.

Oblique quasi-lossless excitation of a thin silicon slab waveguide: a guided-wave variant of an anti-reflection coating

M. Hammer, L. Ebers, J. Förstner, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 36 (2019) 2395.

Oblique Semi-Guided Waves: 2-D Integrated Photonics with Negative Effective Permittivity

M. Hammer, L. Ebers, A. Hildebrandt, S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, in: 2018 IEEE 17th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET), IEEE, 2018.

Oblique incidence of semi-guided planar waves on slab waveguide steps: effects of rounded edges

L. Ebers, M. Hammer, J. Förstner, Optics Express 26 (2018) 18621–18632.

Spiral modes supported by circular dielectric tubes and tube segments

L. Ebers, M. Hammer, J. Förstner, Optical and Quantum Electronics 49 (2017) 49:176.

Hybrid coupled-mode modeling in 3D: perturbed and coupled channels, and waveguide crossings

M. Hammer, S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 34 (2017) 613–624.

Guided Wave Interaction in Photonic Integrated Circuits — A Hybrid Analytical/Numerical Approach to Coupled Mode Theory

M. Hammer, in: A. Agrawal (Ed.), Recent Trends in Computational Photonics, 204th ed., Springer, 2017, pp. 77–105.

Wave interaction in photonic integrated circuits: Hybrid analytical / numerical coupled mode modeling

M. Hammer, in: J.-E. Broquin, G. Nunzi Conti (Eds.), Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XX, SPIE, 2016, pp. 975018-975018–8.

Oblique incidence of semi-guided waves on step-like folds in planar dielectric slabs: Lossless vertical interconnects in 3D integrated photonic circuits

A. Hildebrandt, S. Alhaddad, M. Hammer, J. Förstner, in: J.-E. Broquin, G. Nunzi Conti (Eds.), Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XX, SPIE, 2016.

How planar optical waves can be made to climb dielectric steps

M. Hammer, A. Hildebrandt, J. Förstner, Optics Letters 40 (2015) 3711–3714.

Planar prism spectrometer based on adiabatically connected waveguiding slabs

F. Civitci, M. Hammer, H.J.W.M. Hoekstra, Optics Communications 365 (2015) 29–37.

Full Resonant Transmission of Semiguided Planar Waves Through Slab Waveguide Steps at Oblique Incidence

M. Hammer, A. Hildebrandt, J. Förstner, Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (2015) 997–1005.

General relation for group delay and the relevance of group delay for refractometric sensing

H.J.W.M. Hoekstra, M. Hammer, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 31 (2014).

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