
Pro­ject present­a­tion June 8, 2018, Prashant Ku­mar Soni on "DESIGN AND OP­TIM­IZ­A­TION OF COAXI­AL TO RECT­AN­GU­LAR WAVE­GUIDE IN S-BAND (2.6 GHz-3.95 GHz)

Dear colleagues, dear students,

On Friday, June 8, 2018 will be a project presentation in the TET group:

Presenter: Prashant Kumar Soni
Title: Design and Optimisation of Coaxial to Rectangular Waveguide Connector in S Band ( 2.6 GHz-3.95 GHz)
Language: English
Time: 10:00
Room: P1.5.01.4

We welcome everyone to join the talk.

*In particular, all project students in the TET group are encouraged to come.*

Kind Regards, Jens Förstner
