
From November 2nd Dr. Oliver Wallscheid will act as the head of the Automatic Control Group. Prof. Schulze-Darup and Prof. Quevedo can be contacted via their new universities Dortmund and Queensland respectively.

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Our paper "Deep reinforcement learning for wireless sensor scheduling in cyber–physical systems” will be published in the March issue of Automatica.

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Our paper "Defensive deception against reactive jamming attacks in remote state estimation” will be published in the March issue of Automatica.

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Our paper "Pricing and Selection of Channels for Remote State Estimation Using a Stackelberg Game Framework” will be published in the December issue of IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks.

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Our paper "Optimal Energy Allocation in Multisensor Estimation Over Wireless Channels Using Energy Harvesting and Sharing” will be published in the October issue of IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.

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Our paper "Transmission Scheduling for Remote State Estimation Over Packet Dropping Links in the Presence of an Eavesdropper” will be published in the September issue of IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.

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Am 01. Juli2019 um 14:00 Uhr in Raum P1.3.02.2 hält Frau Dr. Atreyee Kundu, Indian Institute of Science, Bangladore einen Vortrag zum Thema Algorithmic contruction of stabilizing switching signals for switched systems Die detailierte Vortragsankündigung finden Sie hier. Alle Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen.

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Our paper "Tradeoffs in Stochastic Event-Triggered Control” will be published in the June issue of IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.

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Our paper "DoS Attacks on Remote State Estimation With Asymmetric Information” will be published in the June issue of IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.

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Am 07. Mai 2019 um 16:00 Uhr in Raum P1.3.02.1 hält Herr Prof. Jerome Le Ny, Polytechnique Montreal, einen Vortrag zum Thema Differential Privacy for Dynamic Data Die detailierte Vortragsankündigung finden Sie hier. Alle Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen.

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Our paper "Information Bounds for State Estimation in the Presence of an Eavesdropper” will be published in the July issue of IEEE Control Systems Letters.

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Daniel Quevedo, head of the group, has won the 2018 George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award together with Masaaki Nagahara (University of Kitakyushu, Japan) and Dragan Nesic (University of Melbourne, Australia) for their paper "Maximum hands-off control: A paradigm of control effort minimization". The price is awarded annually at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control for the best paper (in the two recent years) in the leading journal IEEE…

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Our paper "Stability Analysis of Event-Triggered Anytime Control With Multiple Control Laws” will be published in the January issue of IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.

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Moritz Schulze Darup, lecturer in the group, has been appointed a young scholar of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts. The young scholar program (Junges Kolleg) consists of 30 junior scientists from different disciplines. The affiliation is considered a high honor and involves a financial support.

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