Wel­come to the Auto­mat­ic Con­trol Group

Our main interest is the design, analysis, simulation and implementation of data-driven control and navigation algorithms for autonomous systems such ground or aerial robots.

On our web pages, you will find information about us, our research and our teaching activities.
You can also find opportunities for open positions and open thesis topics.


On 21.01.2025, Professor Erdal Kayacan delivered his inaugural lecture at Paderborn University. ” His work addresses how robots can adapt to unpredictable environments, enhancing their reliability and efficiency in real-world applications. 

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Researchers at RAT-group, Paderborn University, are involved in a pioneering Europe-wide project seeking to improve safety, health and environmental standards in ship recycling. To achieve this, partners from science and industry are taking a new approach using robotics and AI systems. The project was launched in January for a period of four years, and has received a total of nearly eight million euros of funding from the European Union (EU), of…

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Aerial robots are already used for tasks such as checking wind turbines for damage, and can thus undertake vital tasks that would be hazardous for humans. To enable further areas of application and optimise the technology in the future, an international consortium is now seeking to research the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in drone development. As well as Paderborn University, the project also involves the Norwegian University of Science…

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Organizational and Administrative Issues

Dorothea Hermann

Room: P1.7.14
Tel.: +49 5251 60-1692
E-Mail: dorothea.hermann@uni-paderborn.de
Postal Address Universität Paderborn
Automatic Control Group, EIM-E
Warburger Strasse 100
33098 Paderborn
Room: P1.7.14.1
Tel.: +49 5251 60 1691
Fax: +49 5251 60 1964
E-Mail: erdal.kayacan[at]upb.de