Spa­tial Per­cep­tion and Em­bod­ied Autonomy Re­search (SPEAR)

The Spatial Perception and Embodied Autonomy Research (SPEAR) project, conducted in collaboration with the European Union Horizon Europe program, addresses the escalating importance of aerial vehicle research. In the current landscape, small drones have gained significant prominence due to their simplicity and agility. However, SPEAR prompts a reevaluation of alternative approaches such as employing flapping wings, and it confronts challenges in autonomy including FPV drone racing and GNSS-free flight in extreme environments. Through the utilization of evolutionary algorithms and deep reinforcement learning to breed unconventional aerial vehicle "bodies" and "brains", SPEAR seeks to demonstrate the advantages of creating unconventional  designs encompassing rotary wing components alongside soft and rigid elements. The overarching objective of the project is to revolutionize the aerial vehicle design process, thereby enabling the development of more robust and secure flying robots.