
Our paper on "Encrypted explicit MPC based on two-party computation and convex controller decomposition" has been accepted for the virtual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2020.

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The group organized an entertaining online quiz and a rememberable photomosaic as social events for the 1st virtual IFAC World Congress.

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Our paper on "Encrypted polynomial control based on tailored two-party computation" has been accepted for the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.

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Our papers on "Novel convex decomposition of piecewise affine functions" and "Encrypted MPC based on ADMM real-time iterations" have been accepted for the IFAC World Congress 2020 in Berlin.

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Moritz has been appointed a scholar of the Daimler and Benz Foundation. The scholarship funds the work of the group with 40.000 Euro for two years.

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Our paper on "Exact representation of piecewise affine functions via neural networks" has been accepted for virtual presentation at the European Conference on Conrol (ECC) 2020 in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

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Moritz "competed" in a soccer match at the Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) in Nice. He played for "United Lyapunov" which won 6:3 against "FC Kalman". ;-)

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Nils Schlüter joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome Nils!

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Our chapter on "Encrypted model predictive control in the cloud" has been accepted for the Springer book "Privacy in Dynamical Systems".

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Daniel Helmert joins the group as a student assistant. Welcome Daniel!

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Moritz gives a keynote on "Data security for networked control systems" at the research day of Paderborn University.

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Our papers on "Encrypted Cloud-based Control using Secret Sharing with One-time Pads" and "Encrypted Cooperative Control Revisited" have been accepted for the Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2019 in Nice, France.

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Our paper on "Verschlüsselte Regelung in der Cloud – Stand der Technik und offene Probleme" has been accepted for at - Automatisierungstechnik and will be published in the August issue.

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The German Research Foundation (DFG) funds the work of the group with 1.5 million Euro for six years through the Emmy Noether Programme.

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Moritz has been appointed a young scholar of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts.

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